The King and his Golden Touch

Many years ago there lived a king. He had one little daughter. The king was very rich. One day while he was in his gold room counting his money, and genie appeared before the king.

"If I should grant you one wish, what would that be? " said the genie. "If I could have one wish," said the king,  "I would ask that everything I touch should turn to beautiful yellow gold. "
"Your wish shall be granted tomorrow morning. But I warn you that your gift will not make you happy. " said the genie. 
"I will take the risk, " said the king.  The next day the king was ready to see if the genie 's promise had come true. In the morning the king tried the gift by touching bed. The bed turned to gold. The king felt hungry and went down to eat his breakfast. Now a strange thing happened. When he raised a glass of clear cold water to drink,  it became solid gold. The bread turned to gold under his fingers. His little daughter came running in from the garden.  He touched her and at once the little girl turned into a golden statue. The king was very sad and called the genie.
He begged, "Take away this horrible golden gift". "Do you still think that gold is the greatest thing in the world? " asked the genie. "No!no!" Cried the king. "I hate gold,  I have learned my lesson, " said the king. "I no longer think that gold is the greatest thing in the world. "The genie reversed the wish and the king's daughter turned back into a little girl.

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